Sunday 27 February 2011

The use of the newspaper style lettering for the name of my magazine shows that my magazine is not gender specific and it is suitable for both genders.
The use of the cover lines are there to attract my target audience as they feature bands that my target audience are likely to be interested in, this also alerts them that the magazine is specifically aimed at them and therefore they would like more of the content in the magazine. I have tried to make the magazine non gender dependant by making sure that i am including cover lines that would attract both genders. I have used bright red love hearts as the colour red is for love so it was appropriate to use this colour for them particular signs.
The main picture of the front cover is very unique to this magazine which would attract my audience as it is something that other mainstream magazines do not do with their photos. I have made sure that the image does not lean towards one specific gender by trying to add a style to the image that will also attract the female audience along with the male audience.
I have merged my featured artists in with the main image which shows that this is a very creative magazine. The colours black and white are mainly used on the front cover in order to stick to the style of the magazine which is why the artist’s names have merged into the image very well. This is also something different for the target audience as you find that in other mainstream magazines that the images tend to be overlapped by the cover lines.

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