Sunday 27 February 2011

The full page picture breaks the conventions of mainstream magazines as they often use alot of smaller pictures with alot of text.
The style of the interview and what questions were asked would make the audience want to read the content.
The master head is exactly relevant to my artist so this adds to the content of the article and how it attracts them.
The colour scheme that is used in the photos and with the font are all relevant to how i am attracting the audience to the magazine. I ensured that the colour scheme would be black and white as this diversifies from other mainstream magazines.
I haven’t used a pull quote in the main body of text even though it is a convention of mainstream magazine articles. I have placed the pull quote next to a smaller picture as this would attract the audience to the smaller pictures as well as the main photo.
The main body of text is important in order to attract the audience as they would be interested in reading about an artist they know about. Also the text style that has been used is a very unique way in which it attracts the reader as they are attracted to both the text and images.

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