Friday 25 February 2011

In the preliminary task my magazine had to be aimed at a more specific target audience than in my main task. I chose very carefully what I included in the preliminary task as I did not want to discriminate any particular psychographic groups. For my main task magazine I got to aim it at an audience that I was able to choose. This meant that the style, font, colours, photos and format could have more identity and relate to the target audience.

For the main task I did much more research than with the preliminary task as there was a lot more information available. Some of the things that I chose to research were existing magazines and publishers that are aimed at a similar audience. This helped me to gain a few ideas on what content should be included in the magazine and the general layout/design of the magazines.

In the preliminary task I was experiencing with certain aspects of Photoshop that I could use in my magazine. The purpose for me of doing the preliminary task was to experience using Photoshop and choosing all different types of shot types and camera angles that could be used. The style of the college magazine was very basic as I had no real inspiration for creating it as I felt it was something that I couldn’t relate to. This is shown with the basic style of font on the front cover which is very alpha male and would only attract the male audience. The colours that I have used on the front cover of the magazine are mainly aimed at men as these are popular colours with them. The layout of the front cover is very basic looking as the cover headlines are set out on either side with no real thought in the placement of them. So this was one thing that I had to plan with my main task to make the magazine look professional. The preliminary task helped me progress with the use of Photoshop in many ways that would help me with my main task.

In the main task I had to plan my magazine thoroughly in order to gain all the techniques that I would need to make it look professional. This meant that attention to detail was the key to making this magazine. I found that the main issue of creating the magazine was the layout and how I could integrate all the layers. With the images on the front covers of both magazines I have changed the image in my main magazine to change the background of the image and the style. This shows the thought that I have put into my images in the main task in comparison to the preliminary task. I felt that I would need to change the background of the image in order to make the image more relevant to my target audience.

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