Friday 25 February 2011


I have used Google to research the conventions and format of existing magazines. I also used Google to research institutions to find out if there were institutions to suit my magazine. Google images also helped me find the right images to develop a mood board.


I have used blogger to display my whole project, from my research, my initial ideas, development and planning to my finished products and evaluation. It has allowed me to constantly update my work easily and display it in a good format.

Adobe Photoshop CS4

I used Photoshop to create all 3 parts of my magazine. I had a basic knowledge of Photoshop when I first started to do my preliminary task. The main task helped me to develop my Photoshop skills by doing things that I have been unable to do before through different functions that Photoshop has. I made use of the image adjustments features which allowed me to add all different effects to my magazine. The most important part was getting the layers right to ensure that all text and images slotted together in a way that I felt was good. This was essential to ensure that editing parts of the magazine would be at its easiest. There is many different effects that I could of used in my magazine but getting them to fit in with what I wanted the magazine to look like would have been very hard to do. I feel that my skills of Photoshop have improved and the features that were available I could use more if I had the chance to.


As a stereotypical male I have no interest in photography. Due to my lack of interest I felt that I would be unable to get the required photos that I would need for the magazine. However after I had taken my photos which I have very little experience in doing so, I felt that I had taken a good selection of images to fit my magazine. Before the project had even started I had attended at music gig in which I had taken a few photos from and I was able to use these in my magazine also. With the use of Photoshop I was able to make basic images look interesting with different visual effects.

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