Friday 25 February 2011

Shops: Fred Perry, House of Fraser, Hollister, Other designer clothing shops

Hobbies: Very hard to tell what hobbies they would have as it is very mainstream

Music: Mainstream artists

TV: music channels, family guy, inbetweeners, a wide variety of comedy and sit coms

Other interests: festivals, partying, special events (sports)

My target audience is specified by demographics as the magazine targets specific classes and age ranges BC1C2D, however this magazine may attract people out of the target range as it is a mainstream magazine. My target audience are very main stream as the magazine is specifically aimed at them with the artists that are included in the magazine. The magazine incorporates all the music taste of my audience as it features a wide range of artists. I have tried to keep a balance to try and not favour one particular side of music. The front cover is specifically aimed at my target audience as it shows that the magazine is aimed at a wide variety of my target audience. The imagery that I have used and the style of font would attract all of the target audience as this would appeal to them.

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