Thursday 3 February 2011

This is my proposed front cover of my music magazine which I have called ‘the bizz’ which is short for business that would relate to my target audience that I have aimed this magazine at.

I have created my own logo which I feel fits in well with the whole scheme of the magazine giving the overall look of the magazine a professional one. By using the type of lettering that I have done for my logo I feel this would stand out from other magazines that it would be situated next to on the shelves such as NME. I have made sure that my magazine has kept to the standard conventions that a magazine front cover has. I have made sure that my front cover has a barcode, dateline and edition number in order to keep to the standard conventions. By using and relating to the standard conventions I feel that I have been able to construct the magazine in a way that will make my magazine look professional. In comparison to my preliminary task front cover I feel that I have immensely improved my Photoshop skills as I have learned many new techniques and learned new ones which can be shown on the front cover of my magazine. I have learnt how to develop my magazine around my main image which I did not do in my college magazine which shows the difference in quality and also the planning has allowed me to put more thought into this magazine.

The part of the magazine which I least looked forward to was the photography as this is what I felt would let me down as I had never done anything like that before. However, I feel that the photos that I have used are very well suited to my magazine as I planned my images to my target audience which has helped me greatly to integrate them into the front cover. By using a differed range of shots it has allowed me to choose what I want to place where and give the magazine the professional look as it has varied types of images.

The colours that I have kept to are limited to 4 in order to keep the professional look of the magazine. Whereas, if I was to choose a different colour for every part of text it would look like it has been created by someone who has done no planning at all. The fonts that I have used I have kept to a minimum as this would retain the style of the magazine and keep it looking professional and aiming at the correct target audience.

Overall I am very pleased with my front cover as I took my time with the planning which allowed me to construct my magazine cover effectively. The main picture on the front cover had to integrate with the artist names so I decided to effectively stick to the black and white format which will be shown throughout the magazine keeping the house style.

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