Wednesday 9 February 2011

For the title of the article I chose to make it as relative to the artist as possible by having his name in a black background with white font. I have used as kicker as this is very generic for magazine articles as this is a way in which you are able to introduce the artist to the audience. The body of text in the article shows the extensiveness and the realness of the interview through how much is written on the page. The gutters are used to break down the text to make it easier to read. I have used one pull quote which is away from the main body of text to attract the reader to one of my sub photos. Generically pull quotes are embedded in the text. My main image is featured across both pages of the article to reinforce the photography that has been taken. With the picture that I have used you don’t see this type very often as it is unusual for a photographer to be in an audience for a live event. This image would attract my target audience as they are more likely to go to more gigs and live events/festivals.

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