Wednesday 9 February 2011

The font from my front cover that is used in the contents page continues to reinforce the brand identity of the magazine. The varied size of font is usually used to show importance to the reader and to also highlight the person in the headline. It is a generic feature to have the contents divided up into “features and reviews” as readers are then able to specifically look for what they want to read. I have added a band list to my contents page as this will attract my target audience and this is a good way for them to pick out who they want to read about. The use of a picture is very generic in a contents page so I have added one to keep to the style of music magazines. Competitions and sponsors are featured at the bottom of the page big enough to attract the reader but not to small so that they are not able to see them. I chose to use both of these as it is generic that contents pages would have either one of these.

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